Before even approaching this subject, one should understand the meaning of the word being used. The English language has many words which assume different meanings, and when the meaning is not declared, misunderstanding is bound to arise as assumptions become necessary. I would like to go over the different possible meanings of reincarnation
to reduce the possibility of error in the understanding of readers. This will allow people to approach the subject correctly.
Reincarnation can mean:
1. Being incarnated once more. This is the most basic definition.
Gaining a new body that is of the same composition/type as the old. If
you were born of the flesh, then you would have a flesh body once more.
If the forms of life are defined as physical (matter), energetic,
morontial or spiritual, then this definition has four versions.
Gaining a body of a different form after one's life. When including
morontia upgrades, the examples of this could be numerous.
4. Gaining
a new body before the old body completely deteriorates. This can be of
the four types previously mentioned. It could also be a new type of body
or the old type. This is basically reincarnation without death.
Following a general death and rebirth cycle. This can include life
outside of the flesh, so it does not always include one body type.
Following a death and rebirth cycle that consists of only one body
type. For a human, this means being born as a baby over and over.
Following a death and rebirth cycle where one's identity is impacted by
karma. This can include being born as other forms of life (such as a
different animal).
8. A death and rebirth cycle that is
interplanetary. This idea includes souls wishing to incarnate on worlds
that produce greater soul growth, due to the challenges that come with
the experience.
9. The reuse of certain personality types, or the
altering of the personality so that it matches past examples. Behavior
and thought is likely to be similar to previous beings of the same
10. The possible death and rebirth cycle of another order of being we do not know about.
Note that I am not saying which are
possible or likely in the universe. I merely explain the different concepts involved.
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