Saturday, May 10, 2014

New Ideas: From the Holy to the Infinite

For those who study more recent revelation, it may be difficult to discuss various topics with those still enamored by traditional beliefs. In this example, I look at the traditional idea of the Holy Spirit of the Trinity. The relation between God the Son and Joshua ben Joseph/Christ Michael is something I look at or mention frequently, but there is nothing yet in this blog about the Infinite Spirit.

It goes almost without saying that the Holy Spirit of the Christian Trinity is given credit for the work of both the local universe Mother Spirit (Nebadonia) and Michael of Nebadon's Spirit of Truth. The Holy Spirit is even given credit for the work of the Thought Adjuster, though this work is not understood by many.

The concept of fragmentized entities constituting the factual presence of the infinite God entering time-space and inhabiting the minds of evolutionary willed beings (mortals, humans, etc.) is entirely separate from the reality or purpose of trinitization the escape of personality absolutism for example. The Trinity itself is absolute and infinite, and cannot directly enter time-space (though it certainly influences it). The Trinity is usually represented by others, such as the seven Master Spirits or the Paradise Sons.

I do not know why Christians use God the Spirit for this role, but I suppose it involves the fact that most do not know how each personalization of Deity contributes to the universe and just assign the Spirit whatever role they don’t see the Father or Son fulfilling. Or perhaps it started as an issue of language, where God the Spirit was the only one to receive spirit qualities. Yet a stable Trinity cannot be unbalanced. It most constitute the ultimate forms of will, personality, mind, power, knowledge, etc. Finiteness cannot exist. Even as the Father divests Himself of absolute qualities, they are then picked up by the Son and Spirit. In fact, if the Holy Spirit is seen as the spirit of the Father, and not its own personalization of Deity, then can it even be considered a separate aspect of God? It is as if through the lens of Christianity, the Spirit barely remains distinct and the Son barely remains united.

The bigger issue though, an issue which confounds celestials as much as it can humans, is how any infinite or absolute presence can be broken down into something which does not threaten the potentials of time and space. That is a true cosmic mystery. And there are indeed more, such as the unwritten history of when the Infinite Spirit came into being and Havona was realized.

Alas, if one realizes they are home to a fragment of God (one of the ultimate gifts from the Father) or if they notice the spirit-mind circuits they are attached to, the Infinite Spirit receives the attention. Though I certainly don't blame Christians, either now or in the past, as they simply work with what information they have (though it can be said they fear new information). They do not quite know of the divine gifts they receive, nor how the Creator Son and Mother Spirit grant them the ability to live. At least many are still thankful, even when they know not who to thank.

Some related excerpts from the Urantia Book (all from Paper 8):

(90.1) 8:0.1 Back in eternity, when the Universal Father’s “first” infinite and absolute thought finds in the Eternal Son such a perfect and adequate word for its divine expression, there ensues the supreme desire of both the Thought-God and the Word-God for a universal and infinite agent of mutual expression and combined action.

(90.2) 8:0.2 In the dawn of eternity both the Father and the Son become infinitely cognizant of their mutual interdependence, their eternal and absolute oneness; and therefore do they enter into an infinite and everlasting covenant of divine partnership. This never-ending compact is made for the execution of their united concepts throughout all of the circle of eternity; and ever since this eternity event the Father and the Son continue in this divine union.

(90.3) 8:0.3 We are now face to face with the eternity origin of the Infinite Spirit, the Third Person of Deity. The very instant that God the Father and God the Son conjointly conceive an identical and infinite action — the execution of an absolute thought-plan — that very moment, the Infinite Spirit springs full-fledgedly into existence.

(90.4) 8:0.4 In thus reciting the order of the origin of the Deities, I do so merely to enable you to think of their relationship. In reality they are all three existent from eternity; they are existential. They are without beginning or ending of days; they are co-ordinate, supreme, ultimate, absolute, and infinite. They are and always have been and ever shall be. And they are three distinctly individualized but eternally associated persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit.

(90.5) 8:1.1 In the eternity of the past, upon the personalization of the Infinite Spirit the divine personality cycle becomes perfect and complete. The God of Action is existent, and the vast stage of space is set for the stupendous drama of creation — the universal adventure — the divine panorama of the eternal ages.

(90.6) 8:1.2 The first act of the Infinite Spirit is the inspection and recognition of his divine parents, the Father- Father and the Mother-Son. He, the Spirit, unqualifiedly identifies both of them. He is fully cognizant of their separate personalities and infinite attributes as well as of their combined nature and united function. Next, voluntarily, with transcendent willingness and inspiring spontaneity, the Third Person of Deity, notwithstanding his equality with the First and Second Persons, pledges eternal loyalty to God the Father and acknowledges everlasting dependence upon God the Son.

(90.7) 8:1.3 Inherent in the nature of this transaction and in mutual recognition of the personality independence of each and the executive union of all three, the cycle of eternity is established. The Paradise Trinity is existent. The stage of universal space is set for the manifold and never-ending panorama of the creative unfolding of the purpose of the Universal Father through the personality of the Eternal Son and by the execution of the God of Action, the executive agency for the reality performances of the Father-Son creator partnership.

(91.1) 8:1.4 The God of Action functions and the dead vaults of space are astir. One billion perfect spheres flash into existence. Prior to this hypothetical eternity moment the space-energies inherent in Paradise are existent and potentially operative, but they have no actuality of being; neither can physical gravity be measured except by the reaction of material realities to its incessant pull. There is no material universe at this (assumed) eternally distant moment, but the very instant that one billion worlds materialize, there is in evidence gravity sufficient and adequate to hold them in the everlasting grasp of Paradise.

(91.2) 8:1.5 There now flashes through the creation of the Gods the second form of energy, and this outflowing spirit is instantly grasped by the spiritual gravity of the Eternal Son. Thus the twofold gravity-embraced universe is touched with the energy of infinity and immersed in the spirit of divinity. In this way is the soil of life prepared for the consciousness of mind made manifest in the associated intelligence circuits of the Infinite Spirit.

(91.3) 8:1.6 Upon these seeds of potential existence, diffused throughout the central creation of the Gods, the Father acts, and creature personality appears. Then does the presence of the Paradise Deities fill all organized space and begin effectively to draw all things and beings Paradiseward.

(91.4) 8:1.7 The Infinite Spirit eternalizes concurrently with the birth of the Havona worlds, this central universe being created by him and with him and in him in obedience to the combined concepts and united wills of the Father and the Son. The Third Person deitizes by this very act of conjoint creation, and he thus forever becomes the Conjoint Creator.

(91.5) 8:1.8 These are the grand and awful times of the creative expansion of the Father and the Son by, and in, the action of their conjoint associate and exclusive executive, the Third Source and Center. There exists no record of these stirring times. We have only the meager disclosures of the Infinite Spirit to substantiate these mighty transactions, and he merely verifies the fact that the central universe and all that pertains thereto eternalized simultaneously with his attainment of personality and conscious existence.

(91.6) 8:1.9 In brief, the Infinite Spirit testifies that, since he is eternal, so also is the central universe eternal. And this is the traditional starting point of the history of the universe of universes. Absolutely nothing is known, and no records are in existence, regarding any event or transaction prior to this stupendous eruption of creative energy and administrative wisdom that crystallized the vast universe which exists, and so exquisitely functions, at the center of all things. Beyond this event lie the unsearchable transactions of eternity and the depths of infinity — absolute mystery.

(92.2) 8:2.1 The Conjoint Creator is from eternity and is wholly and without qualification one with the Universal Father and the Eternal Son. The Infinite Spirit reflects in perfection not only the nature of the Paradise Father but also the nature of the Original Son.

(92.3) 8:2.2 The Third Source and Center is known by numerous titles: the Universal Spirit, the Supreme Guide, the Conjoint Creator, the Divine Executive, the Infinite Mind, the Spirit of Spirits, the Paradise Mother Spirit, the Conjoint Actor, the Final Co-ordinator, the Omnipresent Spirit, the Absolute Intelligence, the Divine Action; and on Urantia he is sometimes confused with the cosmic mind.

(92.4) 8:2.3 It is altogether proper to denominate the Third Person of Deity the Infinite Spirit, for God is spirit. But material creatures who tend towards the error of viewing matter as basic reality and mind, together with spirit, as postulates rooted in matter, would better comprehend the Third Source and Center if he were called the Infinite Reality, the Universal Organizer, or the Personality Co-ordinator.

(92.5) 8:2.4 The Infinite Spirit, as a universe revelation of divinity, is unsearchable and utterly beyond human comprehension. To sense the absoluteness of the Spirit, you need only contemplate the infinity of the Universal Father and stand in awe of the eternity of the Original Son.

(92.6) 8:2.5 There is mystery indeed in the person of the Infinite Spirit but not so much as in the Father and the Son. Of all aspects of the Father’s nature, the Conjoint Creator most strikingly discloses his infinity. Even if the master universe eventually expands to infinity, the spirit presence, energy control, and mind potential of the Conjoint Actor will be found adequate to meet the demands of such a limitless creation.

(92.7) 8:2.6 Though in every way sharing the perfection, the righteousness, and the love of the Universal Father, the Infinite Spirit inclines towards the mercy attributes of the Eternal Son, thus becoming the mercy minister of the Paradise Deities to the grand universe. Ever and always — universally and eternally — the Spirit is a mercy minister, for, as the divine Sons reveal the love of God, so the divine Spirit depicts the mercy of God.

(93.1) 8:2.7 It is not possible that the Spirit could have more of goodness than the Father since all goodness takes origin in the Father, but in the acts of the Spirit we can the better comprehend such goodness. The Father’s faithfulness and the Son’s constancy are made very real to the spirit beings and the material creatures of the spheres by the loving ministry and ceaseless service of the personalities of the Infinite Spirit.

(93.2) 8:2.8 The Conjoint Creator inherits all the Father’s beauty of thought and character of truth. And these sublime traits of divinity are co-ordinated in the near-supreme levels of the cosmic mind in subordination to the infinite and eternal wisdom of the unconditioned and limitless mind of the Third Source and Center.

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