Thursday, May 22, 2014

Semantic Misunderstandings: Frequency and Vibration

I often have trouble understanding someone when they mention frequencies or vibrations in a spiritual sense, as these concepts lack true explanations. The idea of personal frequency or vibration is used so numerously that it seems almost a thing of common knowledge, at least among certain groups. However, there has been little to no scientific explanation. I can understand why if this is a spiritual phenomenon, but if this is the case, then it is not a thing of physical vibration. So what is vibrating? What holds the frequency? The soul? The energy body? The mind? I have my own personal answer, but I do not know how correct it is.

A frequency can be like a radio signal. It is used to communicate meanings which hold certain values. Higher frequencies relate to higher values being communicated. In this case, raising your frequency equates to the ability to communicate with higher teachers or those of greater authority. What this means is that a personal frequency is an attunement to certain communication circuits used for transmitting/receiving and even reflectivity. Thus, having a greater frequency can literally get you closer to God, but it does not necessarily mean you are more like God unless accessing such forms of contact is a direct result of personal growth. Only then could frequency be used to measure spiritual growth, but this still does not explain vibration.

Perhaps I will eventually find the answer, and I certainly welcome any new ideas from those who come across this post.

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