Friday, April 11, 2014

Project: The Unified Theory of Human Experience

One of my ongoing projects is what I call the Unified Theory of Human Experience. It effectively describes the human experience and all possibilities contained within it through an ongoing set of cycles of: 

Reception > Perception > Creation, or 

stimuli > interpretation of stimuli > use of stimuli (goal formation) > creation of new stimuli (goal progression/achievement)

This cycle is represented in three smaller models: 

1. Equation of Human Stimuli - describes the receipt and interpretation of stimuli.
2. Equation of Human Choice - describes goal formation and most drives/reasons for our objectives.
3. Equation of Human Interaction - describes goal progression/achievement and how we interact with ourselves, others and the environment in order to pursue these goals.

What is the reason for this model of human experience? It is meant to provide humans an expanded form of situational awareness involving the self and others. It should be used to understand in a general sense how the human operates. It does not predict what any particular individual is liable to do or think, but it can provide a basic explanation for every possibility. The model can be used by the individual to improve how they direct their life. It can be used by the individual to understand others if behavior is recorded, as most possibilities for such behavior are included in the model.

Everything is nearly complete, but there are some sections that are missing comments/descriptions. The finished project will indeed be shared on here.

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