Saturday, May 3, 2014

Logic Puzzles: Duality

There seems to be frequent preaching about duality lately. Well, there has been for at least five years as the new age culture grew. People feel super wise for taking in this concept and spewing it back out without much add value or weight. While not entirely bad, it is not necessarily good either.

Ironically, this avoidance of "dualistic thinking" seems to place people in two opposing categories: those who focus on duality and those who do not. And funnily enough, those who preach either the importance of duality or unity end up in the former category. The people who belong to the latter do not but individuals in groups, as they know assumptions can be misleading. These people look at the individual as a person and not a category or label. Of course, when dealing with anonymous individuals, these categories may be all we have.

I find that mentioning duality is usually just a way to get people to temporarily ignore differences, but does not quite do enough to foster love between all people. Unconditional love involves accepting these differences for what they are and loving people anyway. You can't fool people into believing such differences are imaginary, but you can downplay their importance.

I don't think noticing how we are different from one another is always a bad thing. If anything, a person who notices these differences to such a high degree would be able to see how each individual is unique. In fact, polarization can also be healthy as it can create discussion or debate which helps foster brand new ideas, or even new ways to come together. Problems do frequently appear with polarization as well, especially when fear gets involved (I only mention fear as hatred seems to be a result of it).

There are also issues within this idea of the total acceptance of differences, and that is when one group is objectively evil or sinful. Such behavior is truly not acceptable when it differs so greatly from divine will. These are actions which should not be ignored, accepted or downplayed, and the message on duality erodes individual ethics. It discards moral ideals as subjective constructs and states that people should be accepting of others no matter what, because these individuals are a part of the whole and a part of you. But this does not excuse violence. It does not excuse cruelty or selfishness. Escaping the world of rights and wrongs may make things easier for you, but it is still possible for these actions to conflict with the higher values of Paradise or the Micheal government on High. Know that the existence of mercy does not create a total lack of justice. Bad behavior cannot continue forever, no matter how much you think I am ostracizing these poor souls who wrong the world.

It is likely that a reader does not think this post is a good response to what they themselves have read, but there are different versions of the idea. I do not generally advocate black and white judgements, as things can be pretty gray at times, and that is another thing this concept of duality fails to account for. We are also not divided into two categories, but over seven billion of them.

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