Saturday, May 3, 2014

Recent Ideas: Morontia Mota

It has been a continuous thought exercise of mine to think about how I would best describe morontia if I were to experience it. The UB states that comparing this form of reality with ours is extremely difficult because of how limited this language is along with the human mind, but I think there may be some contributing factors. Mota is described as a philosophy far greater than what we have here (and more).

"Mota is more than a superior philosophy; it is to philosophy as two eyes are to one; it has a stereoscopic effect on meanings and values. Material man sees the universe, as it were, with but one eye — flat. Mansion world students achieve cosmic perspective — depth — by superimposing the perceptions of the morontia life upon the perceptions of the physical life. And they are enabled to bring these material and morontial viewpoints into true focus largely through the untiring ministry of their seraphic counselors, who so patiently teach the mansion world students and the morontia progressors. Many of the teaching counselors of the supreme order of seraphim began their careers as advisers of the newly liberated souls of the mortals of time."

"The lower planes of morontia mota join directly with the higher levels of human philosophy. On the first mansion world it is the practice to teach the less advanced students by the parallel technique; that is, in one column are presented the more simple concepts of mota meanings, and in the opposite column citation is made of analogous statements of mortal philosophy."

"Not long since, while executing an assignment on the first mansion world of Satania, I had occasion to observe this method of teaching; and though I may not undertake to present the mota content of the lesson, I am permitted to record the twenty-eight statements of human philosophy which this morontia instructor was utilizing as illustrative material designed to assist these new mansion world sojourners in their early efforts to grasp the significance and meaning of mota..."

"Evolutionary religion provides only the assurance of faith and the confirmation of conscience; revelatory religion provides the assurance of faith plus the truth of a living experience in the realities of revelation. The third step in religion, or the third phase of the experience of religion, has to do with the morontia state, the firmer grasp of mota. Increasingly in the morontia progression the truths of revealed religion are expanded; more and more you will know the truth of supreme values, divine goodnesses, universal relationships, eternal realities, and ultimate destinies."

Mota is a form of higher insight which we will learn on the mansion worlds. It is the "superphilosophic sensitivity for truth discernment and unity perception". Mota is impossible to deeply understand without the morontia experience, for "mota is the technique of the morontia level". The morontia experience may also be hard to fully comprehend without the understanding which mota provides. "Mota is a supermaterial reality sensitivity which is beginning to compensate incomplete growth, having for its substance knowledge-reason and for its essence faith-insight. Mota is a superphilosophical reconciliation of divergent reality perception which is nonattainable by material personalities; it is predicated, in part, on the experience of having survived the material life of the flesh."

Plato believed that objects had some form of objective value. The objects did not wholly represent this value as they were imperfect, but the ultimate form of such objects did exist elsewhere (if memory serves correctly). I am thinking that things in the morontia plane reflect mota values, and without understanding these values, it is hard to better intellectually understand or imagine what these worlds are like. Mota even has the capability of making purely material things reflect higher values. "Without the insight of mota, mortal man cannot discern goodness, love, and truth in the phenomena of the material world." When dealing with the physical, mota seems to act as a pair of 3D glasses during a movie. As meanings are better understood in the physical reality, depth is created. This is supported in the following passage:

"On the morontia level all of these finite dimensions of the material level are greatly enhanced, and certain new dimensional values are realizable. All these enlarged dimensional experiences of the morontia level are marvelously articulated with the supreme or personality dimension through the influence of mota and also because of the contribution of morontia mathematics."

I do not think the morontia reality can only be experienced with mota, an improved body with greater sensing capabilities is needed. However, descriptions of these worlds make it seem as if the environment holds its own values or truth, or is a reflection of such higher truths. Perfection itself is a level of value, at least when dealing with physical things, so a perfect form of a kind of plant would hold the values of other more general truths (such as sacred geometry, perfected mathematics or an ultimate form of genetics). Obviously, comparing the value between inanimate objects and living things is difficult, but the whole environment is designed for learning, enjoyment and efficiency. A philosophy or set of values may have gone into making a simple pathway so that certain materials were used and molded into a specific shape.

Anyway, the point of the post was to look at the possibility that it is hard to translate morontia vision into human language because that vision partly depends on values and insight we do not possess, as they require mota. It is similar to how we need experience or self-reflection to gain wisdom, which is a kind of sight in itself.

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